
2500-1800 Indus valley civilization.
599Birth of Mahavir; Nirvana in 523. B.C.
563Birth of Gautam Buddha; Nirvana in 483 B.C.
327-26Alexander's invasion of India and the opening of land route between India and Europe.
269-232Ashoka's reign.
261Battle of Kalinga.
57Beginning of Vikrama era.
30Satvahana dynasty in Deooan. Pandyan empire in for south.
326Alexander defeated Poras in the Battle of Hydaspas
261Ashoka defeated Kalinga in the Kalinga War
78Beginning of Saka era.
320Beginning of Gupta era.
360Samudragupta conquers the whole of N. India and much of the Deccan.
380-413Rule of Chandragupta Vikramaditya, age of Kalidasa, renewal of induism.
606-647Rule of Harshavardhana.
629-645Hieun Tsang's visit in India.
622Beginning of Hijra era.
712Arab invasion of Sind by Mohd. bin Qasim.
1001-27Repeated attacks of Mehmud Ghazni.
1025Sacking of Somnath temple by Mehmud.
1191First battle of Tarain in which Prithviraj Chauhan defeated Mohd. Ghori.
1192Second battle of Tarain in which Mohd. Ghori defeated Prithviraj Chauhan.
1206Qutubuddin Aibak founded the Ilbari/Slave dynasty.
1290Jalaluddin Firuz Khilji established Khilji dynasty.
1290Marco Polo visited India.
1320Ghiyasuddin Tughlaq founded the Tughlaq dynasty.
1333Ibn Batuta arrived in India.
1336Harihara and Bukka founded the Vijaynagar empire.
1347Bahmani kingdom founded.
1398Timur invades India.
1451Lodi dynasty comes in power in Delhi Sultanate.
1469Birth of Guru Nanak Dev.
1498Vasco da Gama lands at Calicut.
1510Portuguese capture Goa-Albuquerque Governor.
1526First Battle of Panipat in which Babar defeated Ibrahim Lodhi and established the Mughal dynasty.
1556Second battle of Panipat in which Akbar defeated Hemu.
1565Battle of Talikota in which Vijaynagar empire is defeated.
1571Foundation of Fatehpur Sikri by Akbar.
1576Battle of Haldighati in which Akbar defeated Maharana Pratap.
1582Akbar started Din-i-llahi.
1600English East India Company established.
1604Compilation of Adi Granth.
1605Death of Akbar.
1611The English built a factory at Masulipatnam.
1627Birth of Shivaji
1631Death of Shah Jahan's wife Mumtaz Mahal. The building of Taj Mahal.
1658Aurangzeb became Emperor of Delhi.
1666Birth of Guru Gobind Singh.
1699Guru Gobind Singh creates 'Khalsa'.
1707Death of Aurangzeb, fall of Mughal empire begins.
1739Nadir Shah invaded India; the peacock throne and the Kohinoor Diamond taken away from India.
1757Battle of Plassey in which the English defeated Siraj-ud- daula, Nawab of Bengal.
1760Battle of Wandiwash, end of French power in India,
1761Third Battle of Panipat in which Ahmed Shah Abdali defeated the Marathas.
1764Battle of Buxar in which the English defeated the triple alliance of Nawab Mir Qasim of Bengal, Nawab Shuja-ud-daula of Awadh and Mughal emperor Shah Alam.
1793Permanent settlement in Bengal.
1799Fourth Anglo Mysore War, death of Tipu Sultan, Ranjit Singh occupied Lahore and made it his capital.
1817-19Marathas finally crushed.
1828Lord William Bentick becomes Governor General; Era of social reforms; Prohibition of Sati (1829), Suppression of thugs (1830).
1835Introduction of English as medium of instruction.

1853First Indian railway from Bombay to Thane.
1857-58First war of Indian Independence.
1858British crown takes over the Indian Government; End of East India Company's rule.
1861Birth of Rabindra Nath Tagore.
1869Birth of M.K. Gandhi.
1885Formation of Indian National Congress.
1905Partition of Bengal by Lord Curzon.
1906Formation of All India Muslim League.
1909Minto-Morley Reforms.
1911Delhi durbar held, partition of Bengal cancelled, capital shifted from Calcutta to Delhi.
1914World War I started.
1918End of World War I.
1919Rowlatt Act, Jallianwala Bagh massacre, Montague- Chelmsford reforms.
1920Non-cooperation Movement launched,
1921Moplah rebellian in Malabar; visit of Prince of Wales.
1922Chauri-Chaura incidence.
1923Swaraj party formed.
1927Simon Commission appointed.
1928Visit of Simon Commission to India, death of Lala Lajpat Rai.
1929          Congress demanded'Poorna Swaraj'in Lahore session.
1930January 26 celebrated as Independence Day throughout India, Dandi Salt Satyagraha, First Round Table conference.
1931Gandhi-lrvin Pact, Second Round Table Conference.
1932Suppression of Congress Movement, Third Round Table Conference, Communal Award, Poona Pact.
1935Government of India Act.
1937Inauguration of Provincial Autonomy. Congress ministries formed in 8 out of 11 provinces.
1939Resignation of Congress ministries, beginning of World War II.
1942Cripps Mission Plan, Quit India Movement, Formation of Indian National Army by S.C. Bose.
1945Simla conference held and the failure of Wavell Plan, INA trials at Red Fort, Delhi.
1946Cabinet Mission Plan, Formation of Interim Government, Direct Action Resolution by Muslim League.
1947Mountbatten Plan of June 3 in which partition of India resolution is proposed, India divided, Pakistan created, both achieve independence, Jawarhar Lai Nehru becomes the I Prime Minister of India.
1948Assassination of Mahatma Gandhi (Jan. 30).
1950India became republic (Jan. 26).
1951First Five Year Plan implemented.
1952First General Elections held.
1953Tenzing Norgay and Sir Edmund Hillary conquer Mt. Everest (May 29).
1954Panchsheel agreement between India and China.
1956Life insurance nationalized, State Reorganising Act comes into force.
1957Second General Elections.
1958Metric system of weights and measures introduced.
1959Dalai Lama exiled; enters India.
1961Liberation of Goa.
1962Chinese attack on India. (Oct 20).
1964Jawaharlal Nehru dies; Lai Bahadur Shastri becomes PM.
1965Indo-Pak war.
1966Tashkent Agreement reached, Death of Lai Bahadur Shastri, Indira Gandhi became PM.
1967Dr. Zakir Hussain elected President.
1968Hargovind Khurana shares the Nobel Prize for Medicine and Physiology.
1969Death of. President Zakir Hussain (May 3). V. V. Giri elected President, Nationalization of 14 leading banks, Split in Indian National Congress.
1970Former Indian ruler's privy purses abolished. Dr. C. V. Raman died (Nov. 2).
1971Indo-Pak War over Bangladesh.
1972Shimla Agreement signed.
1973Manekshaw named India's first Field Marshal
1974Nuclear explosion at Pokhran (May 18).
1975Indian satellite 'Aryabhatta' launched, National emergency declared.
1976The four Indian News agencies merged into a single News Agency known as 'Samachar', life of Lok Sabha extended by an year.
1977Defeat of Mrs. Indira Gandhi in the election, Morarji Desai takes over as PM, emergency withdrawn.
1978India launches world's biggest adult literacy plan (Oct. 2).
1979Charan Singh became PM., Mother Teresa won the Nobel Peace Prize.
1980Indira Gandhi returns to power at centre, India launches first satellite using its own satellite launching vehicle (July. 18).
1981India launched APPLE, Khalistan activists hijack Indian Airlines Boeing 737 to Lahore.
1982Zail Singh sworn in as President, the 21-member Indian scientific expedition headed by Dr. S. Z. Qasim lands on Antarctica (Jan. 9), INSAT1 A launched, Ninth Asian Games held in New Delhi.
1983The 7th Non Aligned Summit in New Delhi, Kalpakkam Atomic Energy plant goes critical (July 2), INSAT-1 B launched (Aug. 30), Richard Attenborough's "Gandhi" wins 8 oscars.
1984Rakesh Sharma becomes India's first spaceman (Apr. 5), Bachendri Pal become the first Indian woman to scale Mt. Everest (May 23), Operation Blue Star, Assassination of Indira Gandhi (Oct 31), Rajiv Gandhi becomes PM, Bhopal Gas tragedy (Dec. 3).
1985Anti-defection Bill passed (Jan. 3), Azharuddin hits 3 centuries in 3 tests.
1986The first wholly Indian test-tube baby bom at KEM Hospital, Bombay (Aug. 7).
1987Sunil Gavaskar becomes the first batsman to score 10,000 runs in tests (Mar. 7), Goa becomes the 25th state of India (May 30).
1988India's first remote sensing satellite IRS 1 -A launched from Russia (Mar. 17), INSAT 1-C launched from French Guyana (July 22).
1989Successful test of Agni (May 22), laying of the foundation stone for the Ram Janmabhoomi temple of Ayodhya (Nov 10). V.P. Singh becomes the PM.
1990Successful launching of INSAT 1-D (June 12), Mandal Commission recommendation implemented (Aug. 7), V.P. Singh tenders resignation (Nov. 7), S. Chandrashekhar becomes PM. (Nov. 10).
1991Rajiv Gandhi killed in a bomb blast (May 21), P. V. Narsimha Rao became PM. (June 21), Earthquake in Uttarkashi region (Oct. 20), Satyajit Ray got special Oscar award. (Dec.16).
1992Prithvi test fired (May 5), INSAT-2 A launched (July 10), Dr. Shanker Dayal Sharma became President (July 25), the domes of Babri Masjid demolished (Dec 6).
1993Panchayati Raj Act effective (Apr. 24), INSAT-2 B launched from French Guyana (July 23), Earthquake in Latur region (Sept. 30).
1994First heart transplant in the country (Aug. 3), PSLV D-2 launched (Oct. 15).
1995Punjab Chief Minister Beant Singh assassinated (Agu. 31), INSAT-2 C launched (Dec. 7)
1996A.B. Vajpayee became PM. (May 16), H.D. Deve Gowda became PM. (June 1), India-Bangladesh sign Ganga Water Pact (Dec. 12)
1997I. K. Gujral became PM. (Apr. 21), K. R. Narayanan sworn in as President (July 25), Mother Teresa passes away (Sept. 5), Arundhati Roy wins Booker Prize (Oct. 14), I. K. Gujral resigns as PM. (Nov. 28)
1998Konkan railway commissioned (Jan. 26), A. B. Vajpayee became PM. (Mar. 19), India conducted total 5 nuclear tests (May 11 and May 13), Severe cyclone in Gujarat (June 9), Amartya Sen won the Noble Prize in Economics (Oct. 14)
1999P.M. Vajpayee arrived in Pakistan by Delhi-Lahore bus (Feb. 20), India successfully launched its first commercial telecom satellite INSAT-2 E from Kourou (Apr. 3), Intense fighting in Kargil (June-July), Devastating cyclone in Orissa and A. P. (Oct.)
2000U. S. President Bill Clinton visited India (Mar.) INSAT-3 B launched from Kourou (Mar. 22), Successful test firing of 'Dhanush', the naval version of 'Prithvi' missile (Apr. 11), Karnam Malleshwari wins a bronze at Olympics, Chattisgarh formed (Nov. 1), Uttaranchal formed (Nov. 9), Jharkhand formed (Nov. 15)
2001The pilotless target aircraft 'Lakshya' inducted into the Indian Air Force (Jan. 5), Severe earthquake in Gujarat (Ja. 26), the newly-constructed Ennore port dedicated to the nation (Feb. 1), India successfully launches GSLV D-1 from Sriharikota (Apr. 18), Indo-Pak summit at Agra (July 15-16), Lok Pal Bill introduced in Lok Sabha (Aug. 14), Attack on WTC, New York shakes the world (Sept. 11), Lok Sabha passes the bill on "Right to Education till 14" (Nov. 30), Terrorist attack on Indian Parliament (Dec. 13)
2002INSAT-3 C launched on Ariane rocket from Kourou in French Guyana (Jan. 24), ISRO successfully tries the indegenious cryogenic engine (Feb. 5), POTO passed in the joint session of the Parliament (Mar. 26), LCA test flown successfully (June 6), Cabinet clears 26% FDI in print media (June 25), Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam elected the President of India (July 18), Bhairon Singh Shekhawat sworn in as Vice-President of India (Aug. 19), India launches METSAT by using PSLV-C4 (Sept. 12), Draft of the Tenth Five-Year Plan approved by the Planning Commission (Oct. 5), BSNL launches mobile phone service (Oct. 15), Vajpayee and Putin sign Delhi declaration (Dec. 4), Kelkar submitted modified report on tax reforms (Dec. 28)
2003Kalpana Chawla killed in space shuttle Columbia burnup (Feb. 1); Large reserves of oil & gas discovered in Barmer district of Rajasthan (Feb. 4); US launched attack on Iraq (Mar. 20); INSAT-3A launched from Kourou (Apr. 10); Indigenous Light Combat Aircraft (LCA) renamed 'Tejas' (May 4); GSLVD-2 launched from Sriharikota (May 8); First instance of power failure in modern USA (Aug. 15-16); Mars comes closest to Earth (Aug. 27); Govt. approves the purchase of Advanced Jet Trainers, Hawk, from Britain (Sept. 3); INSAT-3E launched from Kourou (Sept. 20); Pope John Paul-ll beautifies Mother Teresa (Oct. 19); First Afro-Asian Games held in Hyderabad (Oct. 24-Nov. 1); India & Pakistan agree to a formal cease-fire along the LOG (Nov. 25); 97th, 98th, 99th & 100th Constitutional Amendment Bills passed (Dec. 18-23)
2004Sensex crosses the magical figure of 6000 (Jan. 2); India signs agreement with Russia for obtaining Admiral Gorshkov (Jan. 20); Delhi High Court clears Rajiv Gandhi from the Bofors deal (Feb. 4); 200 killed in Madrid train blast (Mar. 11); Nobel Medals of Rabindra Nath Tagore gets stolen from Shantiniketan (Mar. 25); NDA conducts election before time, but loses unexpectedly, UPA government comes in power, Dr. Manmohan Singh sworn-in as the new PM (May 22); 87 children killed in a fire in school in Kumbhkonam, Tamil Nadu (July 17); Olympics return to their homeland Athens, Rajyavardhan Rathode wins a silver for India (Aug. 13-29); Hamid Karzai wins the Presidential vote in Afghanistan (Oct. 14); Sandalwood King Veerappan is dead (Oct. 18); George W. Bush re-elected (Nov. 3); Kanchi Shankaracharya Jayendra Saraswati arrested on murder charges (Nov. 11); Yasser Arafat is dead (Nov. 11); Parliament dismissses POTA (Dec. 9); Tsunami causes havoc in South and South East Asia killing more than a lakh (Dec. 26)


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