Govt. of India signed an agreement with Asian Development Bank (ADB) for a $60 million loan

Govt. of India signed an agreement with Asian Development Bank (ADB) for a $60 million loan [ 7/19/2013]

Government of India signed an agreement with Asian Development Bank (ADB) for a $60 million loan for improving urban services and strengthenmunicipal and project management capacity in several towns in North Karnataka. The agreement is for the 3rd Project under the overall facility of $270 million for the North Karnataka Urban Sector Investment Program (NKUSIP).
The third tranche loan under the North Karnataka Urban Sector Investment Program will develop sewerage networks in six towns, and help the rehabilitation and expansion of potable water systems in two more towns. More than 100,000 households will benefit from the improvements.
Obama nominates Indian-American Nisha Biswal as assistant secretary of state for South Asia [ 7/19/2013]

President Barack Obama nominated Nisha Desai Biswal, an accomplished Indian-American administrator, to head the South Asia bureau in the US state department. Desai will become the first person of Indian or even South Asian origin to head the bureau, which oversees US foreign policy and relations with India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Afghanistan, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Maldives and Bhutan.


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